We visited the third place winning stand of Rosemullion Distillery, sampling its excellent products.  Rosemullion’s reputation goes before it – truly the ‘mouse that roars’ with 63 awards (a record for a small distillery), most recently two Gin Guide Awards – both winners – for its Dry and Summer Gin and The World Gin Awards 2024 ‘Best in England’ – again for its Dry Gin. Although impressed by the gins we wanted to also sample the new Honey Rum, as featured on a recent ‘Love Your Weekend’ show with Alan Titchmarsh..  Like the guests on the show we were impressed –a mild smooth honey flavour underscored by the 100% single pot distilled rum and well balanced botanicals.




We revisited Whistler’s Storm to check in on its new products, having been previously impressed with their Assam Black Tea Liqueur.  We discovered the company has now produced  Lapsang Souchong and Masala Chai liqueurs, the latter of which we tried as it appealed most and has gained a World Liqueur Awards ‘World’s Best Tea’. As it claims, this is a lush, smooth liqueur, with all the lovely complex aromas of Masala Chai on the nose with bold, fiery flavours on the palate .





This was a great new discovery –the St Maur Elderflower Liqueur – a drink with a historic pedigree and a clutch of international drinks awards.  Having first created St Maur to serve at their wedding, William and Kelsey Seymour, Earl and Countess of Yarmouth, turned the elderflower liqueur they served to their guests into the multi award winning, premium, small batch drinks business they have today. We just had to try and found it delicious, well justifying its awards and description – perfect for sipping (or mixing) – floral with citrus and notes of red fruit, all perfectly balanced.

St Maur is for sipping or mixing, in long drinks and cocktails. Unmistakable from the pour, floral with citrus, and notes of red fruit, balanced on the palette, with a long, pleasing finish.

The five international industry awards the liqueur has won in its first years of business, The Great Taste Award 2 Star rating; International Spirits Challenge Silver Award; The World Liqueur Awards ‘Best English Floral’ , Gold at Las Vegas Global Spirits Awards as well as and, most recently the 2024 ‘World’s Best Floral Liqueur’ from the World Drinks awards, show just how well-loved the product is.