Posts filed under: Blog


CORSTON VINEYARD ESTATE (MINERVA WINE) A truly unique discovery, Corston Vineyard Estate, producers of Minerva Wine, uphold the legacy left by Romans who initially cultivated vines in their very fields following their invasion of Britain in AD 43.  The company...
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LUDLOW DISTILLERY We revisited the Ludlow Distillery stand at the show and sampled the Ludlow Single Malt English Whisky – it certainly lives up to its claim as being a serious and perfectly balanced single malt.  All Ludlow Distillery’s whiskies...
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As we reported last year, research by the Retail Gazette stated that 17.2 million British people planned to switch to on line shopping permanently; Speciality Food Magazine also advised that the UK’s Internet use had surged to record levels, confirming...
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There are good times ahead for the Food and Drink sector, according to Mintel’s predictions for 2022. Tracking trends through consumer and market data, predictive analytics and expert recommendations, the group identified the biggest consumer habits to watch out for...
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POD CHOCOLATE EXPERIENCES We met Sophia Winslade of new company, POD Chocolate Experiences, and were really impressed with the range of chocolates and the superb taste achieved – not surprising given Sophia’s previous background as a chocolatier working for Hotel...
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Lyme Bay Winery We tried the spiced Gold award winning LUGGER RUM, part of the Jack Ratt range of products (named after a notorious local smuggler).  The name Lugger originates from the type of fishing boats that Jack Ratt would...
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GET READY FOR THE BOUNCE BACK   UK set for the fastest growth since 1948 Barclay’s boss, Jes Staley, has forecast that Britain is set for a ‘spectacular’ boom at its fastest rate since 1948.  Barclays believe the economy will...
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WE ARE OPENING UP! – CONTINUE WITH THE ENGAGEMENT STRATEGIES – STORYTELLING – MARKETING ADVICE FOR UK FOOD, DRINK AND HOSPITALITY SECTORS.   Introduction With lock down easing next Monday so people can again visit all shops and hospitality venues...
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PREPARE FOR THE UPSWING IN CONSUMER SPENDING CONTINUED PASSING ON MORE POSITIVE NEWS, RESEARCH AND RECOMMENDATIONS INTRODUCTION Spring into action!   As reported in our February blog, it seems Marcus the Mystic Pig was correct as we have seen glorious...
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Prepare for the upswing in consumer spending – Marketing advice for Gloucestershire/South Midlands and Cotswold companies Passing on lighthearted and more authoritative research news. INTRODUCTION Early spring? Upswing in consumer spending? As seen on ITV’s ‘This Morning’ show yesterday, Marcus...
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